遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA




MG冰球突破官网 teachers and students returned from Spring Break on 3月ch 30 and are continuing the use of 虚拟GA for distance learning. Teachers are using both synchronous and asynchronous teaching for all grades, PreK-12. Maintaining a direct connection with their students during several academic periods each day, along with community engagement in advisories, 俱乐部, 和家庭变焦之夜, allows teachers to continue to deliver the extraordinary education current 家庭 have come to expect. Please remember that the entire GA campus is CLOSED, including the playgrounds, 运动场地, 开放的领域, 体育场馆, 网球场, 越野小径, 的保护, 以及开放的游乐区, 另行通知前. Thank you for your cooperation. 呆在家里,保证安全!


In an effort to keep our community healthy and prevent the spread of COVID-19, MG冰球突破官网 playgrounds, 运动场地, 开放的领域, 体育场馆, 网球场, 以及开放的游乐区 will be closed 另行通知前.

Head of School Rich Schellhas cordially invites the ENTIRE GA community – students, 家庭, 员工, alumni – to join him in the Head of School Break Book Club.

In the aftermath of recent communications about temporarily closing school, you may have questions about interactions with fellow students and how to help your children cope with worries and fears about health and safety

The mission of 虚拟遗传算法是 to keep students engaged in learning even when they can’t be in school and to move our curriculum gently forward in meaningful, 适龄的方式.

The following events have been cancelled:

  • All facility rentals: Sunday, 3月ch 8 - Monday, July 6


In an effort to keep our community healthy and prevent the spread of COVID-19, MG冰球突破官网’s ENTIRE 126-acre campus is closed, including the playgrounds, 运动场地, 开放的领域, 体育场馆, 网球场, 越野小径, 的保护, 以及开放的游乐区. Campus is closed 另行通知前. Thank you for your cooperation. 呆在家里,保证安全.